Teaching Faculty

Shari Seifert

Shari Seifert is bi-vocational – she helps people buy and sell houses and works to dismantle white supremacy in the Lutheran Church. Shari served as president of the European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice from 2021 to 2023 and has been involved in racial justice work at her synod and congregation. Her book, Ashes to Action: Finding Myself at the Intersection of the Minneapolis Uprising was published by 1517 Media on Reformation Day 2023. Shari lives, plays, and works in Minneapolis with her wife and two sons on land that was forcibly taken from the Dakota people.

  • July 29 - August 1
    • Personal Growth
    • Racial Justice
    • Spirituality


      Holden Village is a community where your questions are valued and encouraged. Most programs led by visiting teaching faculty occur during the summer months. However, Holden also invites faculty to teach sessions for special events and retreats throughout the rest of the year.
      Check out a list of the 2024 Summer Faculty.