Teaching Faculty

Ron Pangborn

Ron Pangborn, multi instrumentalist and worship leader, has been an active member of the Detroit musical community for over 50 years. As a drummer, he has performed or recorded with internationally known artists in multiple genres. He is the Music Director of Hope Community Church in Detroit, Michigan and produces podcasts and web content for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit. Ron, his wife Pamela and daughter Jules have been coming to Holden for over 20 years as both staff and guests. They are looking forward to introducing their new granddaughter, Esther Rose to the Village!

  • July 8 - July 11
    • Music


      Holden Village is a community where your questions are valued and encouraged. Most programs led by visiting teaching faculty occur during the summer months. However, Holden also invites faculty to teach sessions for special events and retreats throughout the rest of the year.
      Check out a list of the 2024 Summer Faculty.