Katie Hines-Shah is Senior Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Hinsdale, Illinois and previously served churches in northern California. She has written for Christian Century, Sundays and Seasons and Sundays and Seasons Preaching, and Gather Magazine. She is a graduate of Carleton College and the University of Chicago Divinity School and has also studied at both PLTS and LSTC. Katie grew up in Washington State and loves to visit family on Whidbey Island and in Walla Walla. She has been coming to Holden since she was a confirmation student and once completed a multi-day hike into the village over Cloudy Pass. She is married to Jay Hines-Shah, they have two children, John – a college sophomore and Betty – a 7th grader. Katie enjoys knitting, quilting, hiking, cooking, and all the joys of coffee hour conversation.