Teaching Faculty

Bruce Reyes-Chow

Bruce Reyes-Chow is a sought-after speaker and writer on topics of faith, culture, politics, race, and technology. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), has led churches in the San Francisco Bay Area for nearly three decades, and is a former moderator of the PC(USA). Reyes-Chow hosts the podcast BRC & Friends and has authored five books, most recently Everything Good about God is True: Choosing Faith. A senior consultant and coach with Convergence, Reyes-Chow and his spouse have three adult children and live in San Jose, California.

  • July 15 - July 18
    • Spirituality
    • Theology and Bible Study


      Holden Village is a community where your questions are valued and encouraged. Most programs led by visiting teaching faculty occur during the summer months. However, Holden also invites faculty to teach sessions for special events and retreats throughout the rest of the year.
      Check out a list of the 2024 Summer Faculty.