Abby serves as the Minister of Music at Arlington Presbyterian Church in Arlington, VA. APC sold its land to True Ground (formally Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing), tore down the church, and co-created Gilliam Place, a 173-unit affordable housing community on Columbia Pike. Abby’s job is to find the sound of Arlington and help it be heard. One way she achieves this is through Music at Gilliam Place, a program that offers free one-on-one music lessons to residents.
Abby has a B.A. in Music Composition and earned her M.A. in Theology and the Arts from Wesley Theological Seminary. She has served many congregations in multiple traditions including Methodist, Brethren in Christ, Assemblies of God, and the PCUSA. Her musical repertoire spans a wide range of genres that began with the musical roots of the Mennonite Church.
Abby and her wife, Rev. Rachel Pacheco, live right outside of Washington DC in Alexandria, VA.