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Holden Men’s Retreat Co-hosted by Illuman of WA

February 28 - March 3

Photo by Nathan McClure

Come to Holden Village for a weekend of spiritual renewal and recreation at our 2025 Men’s Retreat, co-hosted by Illuman of Washington.

Cost: $315 (includes food, lodging, program), plus boat tickets ($43 each way), and parking ($9/night).

Dress for winter mountain conditions and outdoor activities, and bring a hand drum if you have one. Registration is still open.

Theme–Integrating the Masculine: Welcoming Home the Loyal Soldier

What holds you back from living fully out of your own belovedness? What holds you back from loving the world in a bold and beautiful way?

We are often aware of our inner wounds and perhaps aware of the strategies we developed in childhood or young adulthood to prevent reopening the wound, or re-experiencing it. This part of us that enacts these strategies or voices them within us, has been called the “Loyal Soldier.” We can find comfort in shared stories with others who have similar experiences and wounding. As we mature though, we would like to begin to increase our awareness of these strategies, begin to engage with them, and uncover the gifts that were put into hiding in order to maintain that sense of protection.

During our three days together we’ll explore themes of masculinity through the lens of the Loyal Soldier with ritual, teaching, drumming, nature, poetry, time in council, and listening to the Spirit within and among us.

We can not do this work of awakening alone…as Maya Angelou says, “no one, but no one can make it out here alone.”

Bring your deep desire, your broken heart, your numbness…anyone and everything within you belongs.

This retreat is open to men on all parts of the continuum of gender identity and expression.

Travel Information

Holden Village is extremely remote and accessible only by boat (The Lady of the Lake) and Holden’s bus–which are only available on certain days. If you miss the Friday boat, the next boat up is Sunday morning, so be sure to allow plenty of time to arrive (especially in winter, when the roads can be icy and slow). The boat starts in Chelan at 9:30am and boards at Fields Point around 10am.

We recommend parking and catching the boat at Field’s Point Landing, located about 17 miles up the lake on the south shore (17100 S. Lakeshore, Chelan WA 98816). It is best to be there by 9:30am or earlier to unload luggage, get a parking pass, and park your car. You pay for parking at the office the morning of departure. On Monday, you will be back to your car around 3pm (4pm in Chelan).

More travel information can be found on this link. Email Erik Samuelson (convener@illumanofwa.org) with any specific questions or concerns.

About Illuman

We seek to Awaken Men to their Belovedness that they Might Love the World.

Illuman was birthed out of the remarkable work of Richard Rohr, O.F.M., and has spread all over the world. Our Washington State community of men is committed to living authentic, connected lives of love and service. We are fed by the wisdom traditions of forgiveness and radical inclusivity; we seek a life-changing spirituality, and we recognize the need to gather regularly to do our own inner work and to help others. We are part of a new generation of men’s work that explores true masculinity, honoring the beauty in all things, through the ancient tools of nature, story, ritual, council, and imagery.

In this community you’ll find Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and plenty of none-of-the-aboves. Our community is made up of conservatives, liberals, wealthy, poor, gay, straight, young, old…who are joined together in the quest to live rooted, loving, lives of depth. ALL of you is welcome here.


We have a great line-up of facilitators for this weekend:

Erik Samuelson, MDiv, MA, PCC is a professional certified leadership and vocational coach, who specializes in working with individuals and communities in all kinds of transition. For the past three years, Erik has served Holden Village as a vocational coach to the Holden staff and
volunteers. Erik is the Convener of Illuman of Washington, the local chapter of the international men’s organization founded by Fr. Richard Rohr to help men do their inner, spiritual work to become healthier and more authentic human beings. A lifelong Lutheran and lover of all manner of contemplative spiritual practices, Erik is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and serves ¼ time at an amazing little church in Marysville, WA. Erik lives in Everett with his wife, two daughters, and two poodles. When he’s not at Holden or elsewhere in the North Cascades, you can find him on a bicycle, in the pool, or in the sauna. See more at: www.eriksamuelson.com

Jeffrey Batstone EdD LMHC works as a psychotherapist in private practice treating spiritual and sexual trauma. He serves within the leadership of Illuman of WA, is a ritual and eco-therapy guide, and serves in leadership within the Episcopal church. He lives in Bremerton WA where he makes his home with his wife and three children. The heart of his work is healing the relational patterns that emerge from our Western culture’s dis-ease, towards a wholeness rooted in the integrity of our inherent Earthly belonging. He loves to run on trails, sing songs with people, and play board games with his family and friends. See more at: waterwaystherapy.com


Kyle Petricek, MA LMHC, offers psychotherapy in Seattle out of his private practice. He works with all humans, providing play therapy, couples, family and individual work. Additionally, he has served as a wilderness and ritual guide. He incorporates somatics (movement), art, and archetypal work into his practices. Kyle grew up in the catholic church. As Father Rohr says, “all the good ones leave and come back.” No longer a catholic in practice, his is a lover of the wisdom of Christ. He lives with his wife Amy in Seattle. You can find Kyle amongst the trees, rivers and mountains when he is most fully alive. A good tune or a delicious meal, at home or about will do the trick as well.

Howard Simon has a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from the University of Vermont,  and a master degree from Bastyr University in Management Consulting in Human Systems.  He is a principal owner of Sound Network Integration, an IT consulting firm.  His passion for tending to relational spaces is expressed in his consulting work of integrating people with technology, in interpersonal relationships and his own relationship with spirit.  His playful seriousness can best be described as “irreverently reverent”.  His Jewish roots provide cultural and spiritual practices to nurture community and to lean on in times of uncertainty or loss.  Howard lives in Seattle, WA with his wife.  His three grown children have been his ever-present teachers.  He is involved with the leadership of Illuman of Washington and is serving on a national council to bring radical belonging to the culture of Illuman.


February 28
March 3


Holden Village is a community where your questions are valued and encouraged. Most programs led by visiting teaching faculty occur during the summer months. However, Holden also invites faculty to teach sessions for special events and retreats throughout the rest of the year.
Check out a list of the 2024 Summer Faculty.